Whole-Food Recipes to Get Your Energy Back
Creamy Cauliflower Mash
This has become a favorite side dish of mine while trying to heal my gut. Cauliflower mash is a great substitute for mashed potatoes and helps you get in more detox-supporting cruciferous vegetables in an easily digestible form. This dish is pretty simple to make and allows for a lot of flavor variation believe it or not.
Quinoa Stuffing
This recipe came about in looking for healthy, gluten free holiday stuffing alternatives, however it is great any time of the year. I developed it based off a dish that I helped a client create to support their cognitive focus and energy. I’ve come to love this dish as it only takes a few simple tools and ingredients,, super versatile and is done in under 15 minutes.
Meatballs with Veggies
This is one of my go-to recipes for making a quick, healthy meal. Meatballs are so versatile and great for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. You can eat them hot or cold with a whole grain, vegetables, or eggs and add all sorts of sauces. I like to make a big batch and freeze half to pull out as I need them for meals or a protein-rich snacks.