Group Classes to Build Resilience

Each class empowers you with tools to rebuild your energy to thrive.

You’re surrounded by others on the journey to rebuilding their energy with you, adding valuable support & insight.

Sign up for my newsletter to learn about upcoming class specials!

Mindful Motion - offered in conjunction with Buffalo Firefly Wellness

Great low cost introduction to what I do! A weekly class of gentle yoga, restorative movement, and breathwork to rebuild your energy.

You’ll learn how to tap into awareness of your breath and use movement to support and rebuild your body and mind.

This class is perfect for those who have taken a hiatus from yoga due to injury, fatigue, pain or dizziness. It’s designed with POTS, chronic fatigue, hypermobility, chronic pain in mind. You receive hands-on instruction and guidance from me, an experienced PT & health coach, and a trauma-informed yoga instructor.

In-person in Richmond, VA or from anywhere via Zoom.

*Every Saturday 11 AM EST - Drop ins welcome!

Price: sliding scale $20, $25, $30 per class

($80,$100, $120 per month)

Transform Your Energy with HRV - Virtual group class series

If you're tired of trying to figure out why you are exhausted in spite of following all the "right" steps to improve your energy - this class is for you! 

You’ll learn one of the most effective tools I use with clients to help them transform their energy.  

We cover what HRV tells you about your health and energy levels, how to use it as individualized tool, what specific factors affect it, and how you can tap into it to navigate your triggers and improve your energy. I include a BONUS- Introduction to breathwork practice to boost your HRV ($150 value!). 

Includes 4 virtual weekly group classes and single 15-minute 1-on-1 coaching call

*Enrolling now for April Class - Reserve your spot

Price: $250 $200 now through April 1st